All India Achievers Foundation         

The mission of the AIAF is to strengthen the social and economic well-being of individuals and communities. All India Achievers Foundation (AIAF) is a non-profit voluntary organization registered under the societies registration Act of 1860. Aimed at contributing to the economic growth and social development of the country. AIAF has been co-ordinating the sincere efforts of individuals as well as institutions and organizations to take the Indian nation to newer heights with each passing day. AIAF Ventures helps people use their talents and skills to start a small business, obtain a quality job, and build financial assets. All India Achievers Foundation (AIAF) concentrates on the theme "how the successful Achievers can help the social & economic infrastructural development in and around the country." It will provide examples of social entrepreneurs and successful models of the society and corporate sector partnership. All India Achievers Foundation is the amalgamation of economic, political, business, professional and other leaders of the Indian community which defines and discusses the key issues of Indian economic agenda.

Since India is among the world's largest democracy and the fifth largest economic power. There are more than 1600 languages and dialects spoken by a population of over one billion. The opportunities and conditions for growth in India requires a commitment by various national and international organisations to praise the achievements of the private sector and development of the human capital. All India Achievers Foundation is one such foundation engaged in sharing opinions, ideas, knowledge and strategic know-how on the key issues of economic progress.
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It’s not what you achieve, it’s what you overcome. That’s what defines your career.